Yellow River Culture
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Yellow River Culture
August 23, 2024

Qi writing brush

The Qi writing brush in Dongying's Guangrao district is an intangible cultural heritage item of Shandong province.

August 14, 2024
Filigree inlay technique

Filigree inlay technique

A brief introduction to the filigree inlay technique, an intangible cultural heritage of Dongying city.

August 6, 2024
Dongwang Mud Pottery

Dongwang Mud Pottery

Originating from Dongwang village, Kenli district, Dongying, Dongwang Mud Pottery is a cherished intangible cultural heritage item.

May 3, 2024
Lyu Opera

Lyu Opera

Lyu Opera is a Chinese national intangible cultural heritage item that originated in Shijia – a village located in Dongying district.

May 3, 2024

Chenguan-style flowery drum dance

The Chenguan-style flowery drum dance, or Chenguan duansuan huagu– also known as dahuagu or yanggegu – used to be the livelihood of wandering performers in days gone by.

May 3, 2024

Zaomu gangzi luantan

The Zaomu jujube wood gangzi luantan – also known as the xiaodiao or zabadiao style of singing – is a provincial intangible cultural heritage item of East China's Shandong province.

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