Peony promotion conference bridges Heze and Guangzhou

(| Updated : 2024-01-31

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A peony themed promotion conference was convened in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province, on Jan 28 to display the hospitality of Shandong province. 

Serving as a collective effort by both provinces, the event also aimed to foster cooperation between Heze, a city in Shandong province, and Guangzhou, serving as a pivotal platform for external exchanges in the peony industry. Heze's flourishing peony industry was fully shown and elaborated during the event, underscoring its status as a key sector for Heze's development.

This promotion signifies a remarkable opportunity to spotlight Heze peonies locally and globally. The conference was envisioned as a catalyst for enhanced collaboration between the two cities, particularly in rural vitalization, cultural exchange, and tourism development, contributing to the high-quality advancement of both regions.

The conference not only showcased the allure of Shandong's peony industry but also facilitated meaningful connections between Heze and Guangzhou, bridging cultural affinity and mutual interests. It underscores the shared commitment to promoting economic growth and cultural exchange at regional levels.