Forum held to promote exchanges of civilizations

(| Updated : 2023-09-27

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The West East Talk, a sub-forum of the ninth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations. [Photo/Iqilu News]

The West East Talk, a sub-forum of the ninth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations, was hosted by China News Service in Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, in East China's Shandong province on Sept 27, with the aim of exploring the significance of Chinese culture to the world and promoting exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and other civilizations.

Addressing the event, Wang Guiying, deputy governor of Shandong, said the province is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, and Confucian culture advocates that "the beauty of harmony lies in diversity".

Only through mutual exchanges and learning from each other's strengths can diverse civilizations maintain their vitality, Wang said.

She expressed hope that the Nishan Forum on World Civilizations could fully play its role in expanding dialogue, and provide spiritual strength for the development of society.

Chen Lujun, president of China News Service, said in his speech that human history is a magnificent picture of different civilizations interacting, learning from each other and merging.

Building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation requires not only focusing on China but also taking a global perspective.

"From the increasingly severe climate crisis to the complex revolution of artificial intelligence, we benefit from strong actions in global cooperation", said Shahbaz Khan, a representative of UNESCO's office in Beijing.

He said that the challenges facing the world today are intertwined, and urged people to build a diverse world, and embrace knowledge, reason and globalization.

Since its establishment in 2010, The Nishan Forum on World Civilizations has successfully held eight sessions. It serves as a platform for promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. It facilitates dialogue, cooperation and understanding between China and the world.