Shandong to accelerate rural revitalization efforts

(| Updated : 2018-05-24

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Improve the living environment of rural areas

Shandong will take great efforts to improve the infrastructure of rural areas, including the renovations of rural roads, toilets, heating systems, power-supply systems, schools, residential buildings and drinking water systems. Every rural household will get a 900 yuan subsidy to renovate its house’s toilet. By 2020, rural roads will be constructed to connect not only villages but also households; more than 70 percent of villages in Shandong will have their heating supplied with eco-friendly fuel. It will further improve urban and rural sanitation integration, pushing forward garbage classification and harmless resources treatment.

The province will speed up the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas. By the end of this year, the subsidization to students from impoverished households will cover all ages, from preschool education to higher education. People in rural areas on low incomes will be universally covered with medical commercial supplementary insurance. It will push ahead with the efforts of combining medical treatment and nursing care, giving priority to the elderly care of old people with no family members to take care of them.

Shandong province will constantly increase farmers’ incomes and offer more job opportunities, ensuring the income growth rate amongst rural residents is greater than amongst urban residents.

Shandong will invest 28 billion yuan to relocate 600,000 residents of the Yellow River beach area.

Promote traditional culture in rural areas

The local government will promote traditional Chinese culture in rural areas, taking full use of the outstanding cultural resources of Shandong province.

Senior leadership to lead rural revitalization

The secretary of the Shandong provincial party committee will act as the team leader of the rural work leadership team, the governor will act as a deputy team leader and a member of the standing committee will act as a deputy team leader and the office director. The rural work leadership team will push forward with the implementation of rural revitalization tasks.

Shandong will continuously increase financial support to villages, agriculture and farmers and make coordinated reform in villages in order to revitalize rural areas and give people on low incomes a better life.


[Photo/WeChat account: sd_photo]

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