Binzhou empowers industrial chains through tech innovation

(| Updated : 2024-08-02

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Weiqiao Textile, a leading textile manufacturer in Binzhou, Shandong province, has made intelligent manufacturing a core component of its development strategy. The company has been actively engaged in research and development projects focusing on digital textile manufacturing technologies and specialized textile robots, while also implementing a systematic and comprehensive deployment plan.

By fostering close collaborations with renowned academic institutions such as the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Donghua University, the company has established a number of innovation platforms. Each year, the company independently designs and develops over 3,000 new products, demonstrating its commitment to technological innovation.

Binzhou has leveraged its advantages in advanced materials, textile, apparel, and home textile industries to attract and support the coordinated development of upstream and downstream small and medium-sized enterprises. Through the integration of technology, education, talent, finance, and policy, Binzhou aims to create a robust and innovative industrial chain that enhances the synergy of its industrial clusters, ultimately establishing itself as a world-class textile, apparel, and home textile production base.

Zhongyu Food Company, founded in 2003, is another enterprise in Binzhou that has achieved remarkable success in building a comprehensive wheat industrial chain. By fully utilizing every part of the wheat plant, Zhongyu has significantly increased its production value. For every ton of wheat processed, the company can generate approximately 9,140 yuan ($1,266) in revenue, which is 2.5 times higher than traditional processing methods.

In recent years, Binzhou has been actively promoting the upgrading of its advanced manufacturing industry by focusing on strengthening its industrial chains. Through targeted efforts to consolidate the foundations and connect various links, Binzhou has cultivated a thriving industrial ecosystem that is both innovative and environmentally-friendly.