Shandong unveils plan to boost precooked food industry

(| Updated : 2024-07-30

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Shandong province has recently released a comprehensive plan to accelerate the development of its precooked food industry. The plan outlines a strategic roadmap to foster the growth of this burgeoning sector.

The plan identifies four core growth regions — Weifang, Qingdao, Yantai, and Linyi — to spearhead the development of the province's precooked food industry. By 2027, the province aims to become home to over 8,000 market entities operating in the precooked food sector and generate an overall industry value of more than 660 billion yuan ($91 billion).

Shandong's robust agricultural foundation, characterized by a diverse range of agricultural products and stable supply, provides a solid base for the development of the precooked food industry. Additionally, the province's long-standing position as a leading food production hub, with over 30 years of industry dominance, further strengthens its capabilities. Renowned companies such as Delisi Food, LongDa Foodstuff Group Co Ltd have emerged as industry leaders, with their products reaching major cities across China and being exported to countries like Japan, South Korea, and the United States.

To foster balanced development across the province, the plan divides precooked food into three major categories: livestock, aquatic products, and fruits and vegetables. It also aims to identify 53 counties with unique characteristics to cultivate specialized precooked food products, promoting diversified and customized development.

Addressing consumer concerns about food safety, the plan emphasizes strict enforcement of food safety regulations and crackdowns on illegal activities in the precooked food industry. It also encourages food service establishments to disclose the use of precooked food to consumers.