Shandong delegation attends 2024 Hong Kong-Macao-Shandong Week events

(| Updated : 2024-05-30

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From May 26 to 29, a delegation from East China's Shandong province visited Hong Kong and attended a series of events which were part of the 2024 Hong Kong-Macao-Shandong Week, actively promoting new opportunities for high-quality development in Shandong in the new era.

The delegation members expressed their willingness to deepen cooperation with Hong Kong and expand investment cooperation. They reached a wide range of cooperation consensuses with representatives of various sectors in Hong Kong.

The delegation members also noted that strengthening cooperation between Shandong and Hong Kong has long been a priority for Shandong as it seeks to further opening-up to the outside world. The province will continue to deepen practical cooperation with Hong Kong in economy, trade, scientific and technological innovation, finance, culture, and tourism.