Shandong, HK strengthen industrial, talent partnership

(| Updated : 2024-05-30

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The Shandong-Hong Kong Industrial and Talent Exchange Conference, part of the 2024 Hong Kong-Macao-Shandong Week, was recently held in Hong Kong.

The conference focused on the demands of Shandong's top 10 industries and the advantages of Hong Kong's scientific, educational and innovative resources.

Nearly 100 enterprises received help in finding cooperation partners as part of efforts to continue promoting the establishment of the Shandong-Hong Kong industrial and talent alliance, actively gather global advanced resources, accelerate the cultivation of new quality productive forces, and advance cooperation in the industrial, talent, innovation and capital chains.

Cooperation between the aforementioned enterprises focused on the building of the Shandong-Hong Kong industrial and talent alliance in the fields of next-generation information technology, high-end equipment, and bio-pharmaceuticals.

During the 2024 Hong Kong-Macao-Shandong Week running from May 26 to 30, a delegation from the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology conducted on-site visits to Hong Kong Cyberport, deepening exchanges and cooperation with relevant parties in Hong Kong and Macao to elevate industrial and informational cooperation.


A signing ceremony for cooperation agreements was held during the Shandong-Hong Kong Industrial and Talent Exchange Conference held in Hong Kong. [Photo/Dazhong News]