Celebrating 20 years of Sino-British wushu cultural exchange in Weihai

(chinadaily.com.cn)| Updated : 2024-05-21

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The city of Weihai in East China's Shandong province hosted a special event on May 19 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of wushu (martial marts) cultural exchange between Weihai Wushu Association and the Chinese Wushu Friendship Association in the United Kingdom.

The event brought together representatives from China and the United Kingdom to celebrate the profound impact of wushu on cultural understanding and friendship between the two nations.

Zhao Baogang, deputy mayor of Weihai, delivered opening remarks and unveiled the commemorative emblem marking the 20th anniversary.

In 2004, the Weihai Wushu Association and the Chinese Wushu Friendship Association embarked on a collaborative journey to promote wushu and deepen cultural ties.

Over the past two decades, cultural exchanges related to wushu have flourished, fostering mutual understanding and strengthening the bonds of friendship between the Chinese and British people.

Looking towards the future, Weihai pledged to continue its commitment to preserving and promoting wushu culture. The city aims to build upon its rich heritage by actively engaging in international exchanges and collaborations. It seeks to revitalize this ancient martial art, breathing new life into its traditions and techniques.

During the event, the Weihai Wushu Association bestowed certificates of honor upon 29 individuals who have played a pivotal role in fostering wushu friendship between the two nations.

The event served as a testament to the enduring legacy of Sino-British wushu cultural exchanges and reaffirmed the power of this shared passion to connect people across borders, fostering mutual respect and appreciation for the rich cultures of both nations.

Expats conduct a group wushu performance at the event. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Chinese teenagers act out a wushu performance at the event. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]