Shandong's Spring Festival offerings blend tradition with innovation

(| Updated : 2024-02-07

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With the Spring Festival on the horizon, Shandong is bustling with activity as residents stock up on diverse Lunar New Year goods. From Heze's peony flowers to Gaoqing's black cattle, Shandong's offerings blend tradition with innovation.

In Heze city, the air is filled with the sweet scent of peony blossoms. Over 60,000 peony plants, meticulously nurtured for three months, are ready to embark on a nationwide journey, even reaching Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region within a day. Online platforms, including Taobao and JD, drive sales for these seasonal blooms, marking a significant economic boon for local farmers.


Gaoqing's black cattle, prized for their premium meat quality, remain popular on Freshippo for years. [Photo/Haibao News]

Gaoqing's black cattle, prized for their large size, premium meat quality, and competitive pricing, maintain their stronghold as the top meat brand at Freshippo for the fifth consecutive year. This breed, meeting high-level international standards, rivals Japan's renowned Kobe beef.

Guanxian county in Liaocheng takes center stage in reishi production. The industry's focus on enhancing the value chain and expanding into health products enriches the sector, bringing economic benefits to the county.

Linyi, in comparison, has emerged as the internet-famous snack capital. With snacks like toffees and sesame cakes, it captivates consumers nationwide. Meanwhile, traditional Lunar New Year items, such as pastries and couplets, remain essential for households, fueling local economic growth.

Shandong's Lunar New Year offerings seamlessly blend tradition and modernity, reflecting the province’s rich cultural heritage and economic dynamism.