Video: Expats discover hidden gems of Dezhou

(| Updated : 2023-07-17

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The "Wow, China is Amazing" event recently took place in Dezhou, East China's Shandong province, with over 50 expats participating.

The expats, all of whom are contestants in the Global Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, were invited to visit various locations in Dezhou, such as Ningjin county, Qihe county, Decheng district, Lingcheng district, and Dezhou Vocational and Technical College.

During their visit, they had the opportunity to experience the intangible cultural heritage of Dezhou, including paper cutting and acrobatics, appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship of traditional wood furniture, explore the city's vibrant cultural and tourism industry, experience its innovative and specialized health and wellness industry, and witness its favorable business environment and dynamic innovation and entrepreneurship.