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Yantai welcomes Shandong's first inbound tour group from South Korea
2023-04-18Forty tourists from South Korea arrived at Yantai Penglai International Airport on April 14.
Russian trade delegation scores big in Shandong
2023-04-17The Russian business delegation visited East China's Shandong province from April 6 to 8, and they achieved fruitful results during their visit.
High-level talent conference to kick off in Yantai
2023-04-12The 2023 China International Talent Exchange Conference (Peninsula Branch) will be held in the coastal city of Yantai in East China's Shandong province from April 17 to 19.
Russian business delegation visits Yantai
2023-04-11A business delegation, which was led by the Russian Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises, paid a visit to the coastal city of Yantai in East China's Shandong province on April 7.
Yantai's foreign trade hits record high in Jan-Feb
2023-04-07The foreign trade of Yantai totaled 65.48 billion yuan in the first two months of the year.
Yantai trade delegation secures bumper harvest overseas
2023-03-29A trade delegation from Yantai achieved a bumper harvest when visiting Singapore, South Korea and Japan from March 17 to 26.