- Snack attack at Qingdao Intl Beer Festival
- 2018 China Intl Consumer Electronics Show held in Qingdao
- Annual beer festival opens in Qingdao
- Wild birds luxuriate in estuary
- Lights and fireworks show lights up sky of Qingdao
- Shandong culture promoted at SCO Qingdao summit
- In pics: journalists at SCO Qingdao summit
- China Post issues commemorative stamp to mark 18th SCO summit
- Overseas students work as volunteers of Qingdao SCO summit
- Kazakh Meruyert offers services in Qingdao SCO summit
- SCO Summit media center opens
- SCO Summit: Robots, facial recognition and VR
- Charming Qingdao, anticipated SCO summit
- Night view of 18th SCO summit host city Qingdao
- Volunteers seen on street in host city of 18th SCO Qingdao Summit