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​Cultural festival honoring mothers held in Mencius's hometown| Updated: May 13, 2021


Dancers perform at the opening ceremony of a cultural festival in Zoucheng, Jining, East China's Shandong province. [Photo/]

The opening ceremony of a cultural festival honoring mothers took place on May 12 at Mencius Grand Theater, which is located in Zoucheng, a county-level city in Jining, East China's Shandong province.

The festival is being held in memory of Mencius, a great ancient Chinese philosopher born in the city, and his mother, who was renowned for her good parenting.

A variety of shows, including songs and musical plays, were staged at the ceremony. Several members of the audience also shared touching stories about their mothers.

The cultural festival has been held for 15 consecutive years since 2007 and is part of the Zoucheng government's efforts to promote Mencius's thoughts. The city has established the Mencius Research Institute and organized a number of forums to boost the development of traditional culture.