
Dongying's push for rural vitalization on saline-alkali land

LMS| Updated: September 10, 2024

Fat hairy crabs, plump rice, and sweet-meated Tan sheep from the Yellow River Delta in Dongying, East China's Shandong province, are prime examples of the city's success in advancing rural vitalization on saline-alkali land. 

Revitalizing rural areas on saline-alkali land requires a deep understanding of local resources. Dongying has recognized the vast potential of these lands and is focusing on practical strategies to improve technology, develop salt-tolerant crops, and transform these resources into economic opportunities.

Enhancing brand influence is another key strategy. The Yellow River Delta has established its agricultural brand, highlighting the high mineral content and nutritional benefits of its saline-alkali foods. This has led to popular local products like Yellow River Delta hairy crab, Tan sheep, and rice, which are highly valued by consumers.

By increasing the value of its products, Dongying aims to boost farmers' incomes. Supporting leading agribusinesses helps re-employ rural workers and strengthen farmers' livelihoods. For instance, Yellow River Delta crabs have improved the livelihoods of over 3,000 households, raised the collective income of 13 villages to over 500,000 yuan ($70,196), and achieved a land transfer rate of over 75%, making the crab industry a significant source of wealth for local farms.

Transforming barren land into productive farmland has been a challenge for Dongying, but the city will continue to explore and utilize these resources, turning saline-alkali land into a beautiful showcase of rural vitalization.

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