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Dongying advances cultural legacy of Sun Tzu

LMS| Updated: September 9, 2024

Dongying, located in East China's Shandong province, is the birthplace of Sun Tzu, the famed ancient philosopher and military strategist.

The city is committed to promoting his cultural legacy worldwide and has made significant efforts to preserve his cultural heritage. Since the 1990s, the city has held a variety of Sun Tzu-themed events, including five national seminars, 15 tourism festivals, three tourist seasons, 18 cultural forums, and three award ceremonies. Local schools have also developed research courses on Sun Tzu culture in collaboration with the research base at the Sun Tzu Cultural Park.

Sun Tzu's legacy enriches Dongying's cultural tourism industry, seamlessly blending into the fabric of local life. From cultural venues like galleries, libraries, and theaters to bustling streets, various facets of Sun Tzu - his military strategies, profile, and stories - are visible throughout the city.

To promote Sun Tzu internationally, Dongying has established a cultural research center at Dongying Vocational College of Science & Technology to collaborate with City University Malaysia. By offering online lectures, the city seeks to strengthen its reputation as the home of Sun Tzu.

Dongying continues to celebrate and develop its Sun Tzu heritage, bridging the gap between past and present as the story of this legendary figure unfolds

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