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Dongying improves elderly care service

LMS| Updated: August 30, 2024

Dongying in East China's Shandong province hosted an exchange conference on geriatric services with Japan, alongside an opening ceremony for the city's new elderly care center on Aug 29.

The meeting aims to implement the national strategy for addressing an aging population by leveraging Dongying's natural resource advantages. It seeks to introduce advanced Japanese senior care management concepts, equipment, technology, and talent. The goals are to expand international cooperation, optimize the senior care industry layout, enhance Dongying's senior care service standards, and raise the bar for eco-friendly senior care.

During the meeting, representatives from both China and Japan delivered speeches. Dongying Ningkang Health Industry Co Ltd signed cooperation agreements with Japanese companies to establish a China-Japan collaborative medical and elderly care service institution. The event also included the launch of the city's new elderly care center.

The elderly care center spans 18,000 square meters and can accommodate 380 beds. The center provides six major services: elderly care for senior tourists, a university for life-long learners, a rehabilitation hospital, a meal distribution center, a geriatrics supply center, and a talent training school. Trial operations began in early June 2024 before setting benchmarks for high-quality senior care services in Dongying.


Exterior view of Dongying's elderly care center building. [Photo/WeChat account: minzhen_dongying]


One of the bedrooms inside Dongying's elderly care center. [Photo/WeChat account: minzhen_dongying]

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