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Dongying's modern port rapidly takes shape

LMS| Updated: August 26, 2024

With the completion of the 50,000-ton container terminal, the 100,000-ton general cargo terminal, and the 250,000-ton single-point mooring terminal, Dongying's 100-million-ton modern port is swiftly taking shape.

From January to June 2024, Dongying Port achieved a total cargo throughput of 39.06 million tons, marking a 27% year-on-year increase, while foreign trade imports and exports reached 8.61 million tons, representing a 5.6-fold year-on-year growth rate.

Offshore construction on the Yellow River Delta's first dedicated container terminal at Dongying Port has been completed. The terminal, which is capable of accommodating 50,000-ton container ships, is expected to commence operations in October, with a projected annual throughput of 300,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs).

"Dongying Port provides optimal maritime access for parts of Shanxi, Hebei, and Henan provinces," said Wang Hailong, general manager of Dongying Port Development Co Ltd.

In addition to its strategic location, Dongying Port is the premier port construction site along the muddy coasts of the Bohai Sea. It features the shortest distances to the shore for water depths of -10 meters and -15 meters, with minimal sediment accumulation.

The opening of Dongying Port has notably reduced transportation costs for hinterland enterprises. For instance, the 250,000-ton crude oil import berth enables international oil tankers from the Middle East to unload directly at Dongying Port, saving an average of 30-50 yuan ($4.21 - $7.02) per ton compared to alternative nearby ports and long-distance pipelines, with annual savings exceeding 1 billion yuan.

Upon the completion of all berths, Dongying Port's capacity is projected to reach 245 million tons. The port is poised to become a comprehensive logistics hub, extending its reach across the Yellow River Delta and into the Shanxi-Hebei region.


An aerial view of the Dongying Port. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_de6f0be95f98]

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