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Dongying commences largest single geothermal heating project in Shandong

LMS| Updated: August 16, 2024

Dongying in East China's Shandong province commenced a geothermal clean heating project in its economic and technological development zone on Aug 15.


A commencement ceremony is held for the geothermal heating project in the Dongying Economic and Technological Development Zone. [Photo/Dazhong News]

The project is an important effort by the zone to achieve heating through clean energy rather than coal.

Dongying is rich in geothermal resources, with confirmed reserves of 376 trillion megajoules of medium-to-deep geothermal energy. This is equivalent to 12.8 billion tons of standard coal, accounting for approximately 30 percent of the total reserves in Shandong.

The project, with a total investment of 580 million yuan ($80.84 million), consists of four energy stations and 45 pairs of extraction and reinjection wells. It incorporates advanced technologies, including geothermal energy use that does not deplete groundwater, wastewater reinjection into the ground without external pressure, and a smart control system. In conjunction with a provincial-level heating management platform, the project is set to provide heating coverage for an area of five million square meters.

The project is also the largest single geothermal heating project in Shandong. It will reduce standard coal consumption by 69,000 tons and decrease carbon dioxide emissions by 170,000 tons annually.

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