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Dongying keeps improving business environment

LMS| Updated: August 15, 2024

Dongying, a city in East China's Shandong province, recently convened a conference on optimizing the business environment, underscoring a renewed commitment to driving further improvements and enhancements.

The city has consistently ranked among the top in the province in business environment assessments over the past two years.

It plans to reduce visits to government and public service institutions. For example, the city's health commission has streamlined certification processes, moving from passively receiving applications to active outreach. By the end of next year, the city plans to develop a modern and smart "government service complex" and promote a "proof-free city" initiative, providing efficient and integrated services closer to residents and businesses.


A staff member at an institution in Dongying provides assistance to a local resident. [Photo/Dazhong News]

The city also plans to lower investment costs and accelerate project start times for enterprises. Dongying's bureau of natural resources and planning has implemented the approach with advanced planning, early involvement, and proactive execution. For instance, following a land transaction for Shandong Daye New Materials Co Ltd, the permit was processed in just nine days, reducing the typical processing time by nearly two months.

In addition, Dongying will work to prevent disruptions to normal business operations caused by arbitrary enforcement and frequent inspections. The city's discipline inspection commission, supervisory committee, and justice bureau have jointly established a transparent law enforcement supervision platform which generally allows only one batch of personnel to conduct inspections or research at the same enterprise per day. Moving forward, Dongying will fully integrate the optimization of the business environment into a legal framework.

Lastly, the city will enhance its open platforms and accelerate the development of a national-level cross-border e-commerce pilot zone. It will also optimize services for foreign investors, improve service mechanisms for foreign investment projects, and better support their implementation. Additionally, it will continue to streamline external transportation channels by optimizing key infrastructure, including airports, ports, and high-speed railways, to ensure smoother access for businesses both within and beyond the city.


A port in Dongying bustles with activity. [Photo/Dazhong News]

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