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Dongying hosts Shandong square dance event

LMS| Updated: August 12, 2024

Dongying hosted the opening performance of Shandong province's square dance event on the evening of Aug 9.

Eighteen teams from the bureaus of culture and tourism of 16 Shandong cities performed square dances that bridged tradition with modernity. The performances showcased not only the elegance of dance but also the rich culture and open and tolerant spirit of Shandong.


The square dance event is held in Dongying on Aug 9. [Photo/WeChat Account: wenlvdongying]

The event received extensive support from various new media platforms. Through online streaming, audiences across Dongying, Shandong province, and throughout China were able to enjoy the cultural feast. At its peak, the live stream attracted over 80,000 viewers.

Square dancing, a widely loved activity, embodies a healthy, active, and forward-looking lifestyle. During the performance, each dancer expressed their passion through their enthusiasm and skill. The event's greatest value lies in promoting a positive attitude.


The audience is full of enthusiasm. [Photo/WeChat Account: wenlvdongying]

This event also created a platform for cultural exchange and integration. Participants appreciated Dongying's hospitality and expressed a desire to explore the city's cuisine and scenery. The cross-regional exchange boosted Dongying's tourism industry, fostering a blend of culture and tourism. The "event + tourism" model is emerging as a powerful new tool for boosting consumption.

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