
Dongying makes strides in ecological, environmental governance

LMS| Updated: April 30, 2024

The city of Dongying in East China's Shandong province has made all-out efforts to strengthen ecological conservation and environmental governance and win the battle against pollution.

As a result, the quality of the natural environment has significantly improved, and the transition towards a green and low-carbon economy has accelerated. Residents of the city enjoy cleaner air, clearer water and a more beautiful environment.

The exploration of the Yellow River Estuary wetland restoration model has led to an increase in biodiversity. By building a diverse array of natural environments, the city has cleared 131,000 mu (8,733 hectares) of the Spartina alterniflora, an invasive species, restored 72,500 mu of wetlands and beaches, and removed 300 oil and gas production facilities from the Yellow River Delta Protection Zone.

The scientific restoration of native species and the creation of suitable conditions for their growth has resulted in the restoration of 62,000 mu of native plants, including salt-tolerant plants and seagrass beds.

The city has also been pushing forward with the development of a "waste-free city", persistently fighting to defend its blue skies, clean waters and unpolluted land. The concerted efforts of the entire city have led to significant achievements in the management of solid waste in various sectors.

As part of its environmental governance efforts, the city has improved the environmental protection mechanism at the mouth of the Yellow River. Over the past three years, seven regulations have been formulated or revised, including six regulations related to environmental protection. This has resulted in the formation of a legislative system for environmental protection in the Yellow River Basin.

Copyright© The Information Office of Dongying Municipal People's Government.
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