Shandong offers welcoming environment for foreign investors

(| Updated : 2024-08-23

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Shandong province has been actively optimizing its business environment to attract more foreign investment. Over the past few years, the province has introduced a series of comprehensive measures to improve market access, enhance services, and protect the rights of foreign investors.

Shandong has implemented 36 policy measures to optimize the foreign investment environment, focusing on market access, national treatment, rights protection, and facilitation of daily life, addressing the entire lifecycle of foreign investment projects.

For instance, the province has released a negative list for government procurement, encouraging foreign companies to participate in the formulation and revision of 81 national, industry, and local standards.

To better serve foreign investors, Shandong has established a service platform to address their concerns. In the first half of this year, the platform helped solve over 1,400 problems faced by foreign-invested enterprises, covering areas such as project implementation, logistics, and talent recruitment.

Looking ahead, Shandong will continue to enhance its business environment as it seeks to become a new center for high-level opening up. The province will focus on providing more equitable national treatment, facilitating investment and operations, and improving service quality.

For example, Shandong will dynamically update its negative list for government procurement, continuously eliminate unreasonable differential treatment between domestic and foreign investors, and ensure that domestic and foreign enterprises enjoy equal status, rights, and opportunities, while also being subject to the same rules in areas such as qualification licensing, standard setting, government procurement, and intellectual property protection.

It will further streamline visa procedures for foreign personnel and optimize data flow.

Moreover, the province will establish a more efficient mechanism for addressing the concerns of foreign-invested enterprises, ensuring that issues are resolved promptly and effectively.