Shandong drives e-commerce growth

(| Updated : 2024-08-13

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Shandong province has been at the forefront of China's e-commerce revolution, optimizing the e-commerce industrial chain to stimulate consumption and drive economic growth. In the first half of 2024, the province reported a robust 13.9-percent year-on-year growth in online retail sales, reaching 391.51 billion yuan ($54.5 billion).

To foster a vibrant e-commerce ecosystem, Shandong has focused on developing specialized e-commerce zones and industrial clusters. Since 2022, the province has certified 14 e-commerce platforms, 182 live-streaming e-commerce companies, 119 live-streaming bases, and 118 supply chain bases. These initiatives have facilitated the growth of a diverse range of products and expanded consumer choices.

Shandong has also forged strong partnerships with leading e-commerce platforms such as and Douyin (a popular short-video sharing platform). By collaborating with these industry giants, the province aims to further expand its e-commerce market and improve consumer services.

To boost consumption, Shandong has organized a series of promotional campaigns, including trade-in programs and online live-streaming events. These initiatives have helped to stimulate consumer demand and drive sales growth.

Looking ahead, Shandong is poised to further strengthen its e-commerce sector. The upcoming three-year action plan for the high-quality development of live-streaming e-commerce in Shandong will provide comprehensive support for the industry, focusing on supply chain development, talent cultivation, logistics, and financial services.

Furthermore, Shandong is planning to introduce targeted policies to attract and nurture e-commerce platform enterprises, aiming to strengthen its platform economy and foster a more competitive digital marketplace.