Explore museums in Shandong

(chinadaily.com.cn)| Updated : 2023-05-18

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Polaris Horologe Culture Museum 

The Polaris Horologe Culture Museum is the first museum in China themed on clocks and watches. The museum has a history of more than 100 years and covers an area of more than 3,000 square meters. The museum's exhibits are mainly related to the evolution of ancient Chinese timekeeping instruments and the development of the Yantai clock and watch industry.

Linzi Football Museum 

The Linzi Football Museum covers an area of 2,500 square meters and exhibits more than 150 precious cultural relics and more than 300 historical pictures that document the origin and development of football over 2,400 years.

Zhucheng Dinosaur Museum

The Zhucheng Dinosaur Museum exhibits the world's tallest duck-billed dinosaur fossil skeleton and more than 100 other dinosaur fossils. It is famous for its excavated duck-billed dinosaur fossils.

World Kite Museum of Weifang

Established in 1987, the World Kite Museum of Weifang has 12 exhibition halls displaying kites from the 5th century BC to modern times.

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