Inspur releases new generation industry cloud

(| Updated : 2021-12-17

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Inspur Cloud released its new generation industry cloud MEP strategy at a launch ceremony in Jinan, Shandong province on Dec 16. 

MEP strategy will focus on 7+X industries such as grassroots governance, state-owned assets, parks, energy, mining, manufacturing and media. It will continue to increase ecological support through the POWERED BY model.

The new generation industry cloud is based on the Inspur distributed cloud services of IaaS, PaaS, DaaS, SaaS and will provide integrated professional cloud services.

"With the acceleration of industrial digital transformation, data has become an important production factor," said Xiao Xue, CEO of Inspur Cloud, adding that the new generation industry cloud integrating management, service and security will greatly promote digital transformation.

The Inspur Cloud Security Alliance was also launched at the ceremony with 13 enterprises joining the alliance.

The alliance will focus on promoting the rapid development of the cloud security industry and helping upgrade the cloud security technology industry and services.


Inspur Cloud releases its new generation industry cloud MEP strategy at a launch ceremony in Jinan, Shandong province on Dec 16. [Photo/]


Xiao Xue, CEO of Inspur Cloud, delivers a speech at the launch ceremony Dec 16. [Photo/]