New railway to shorten travel time between Yantai, Beijing

(| Updated : 2019-07-19

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Luan Bingzheng, deputy director of the Yantai transportation bureau, details progress on the Tianjin-Weifang railway project at a news conference on July 17.[Photo/WeChat Account: yantaifabu]

The Weifang-Yantai section of the Tianjin-Weifang high-speed railway will shorten the travel time from Yantai to Beijing to three hours.

Luan Bingzheng, deputy director of the Yantai transportation bureau, detailed progress on the new high-speed railway project at a news conference on July 17.

The Tianjin-Weifang railway starts from Tianjin city and ends in Yantai, Shandong province.

With a length of 639 kilometers, it connects 20 stations including Cangzhou in Hebei province and Binzhou, Dongying, Weifang and Qingdao in Shandong province.

Its Weifang-Yantai section, which runs from Shouguang Station in Weifang to Yantai South Station, is 274 kilometers long and can reach speeds of up to 350 km/h.

Several supporting facilities in Yantai South Station started construction on June 28. 


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