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Majestic sunrise marks New Year in Yantai

Updated : 2024-01-01


[Video/Wechat account: yantaifabu]

As the sun's first rays peek over the eastern horizon and cast a golden glow on Yantai's picturesque seaside, a breathtaking spectacle unfolds, symbolizing a fresh start.

On this special day, residents and visitors gather along the coast to witness the first sunrise of the year.

Against the backdrop of undulating sea waves, the sun's ascent paints the sky with vibrant hues, creating a mesmerizing display of colors. The tranquil waters mirror this celestial beauty, merging heaven and earth in perfect harmony.

The surrounding landscape, adorned with a delicate layer of snow, adds an ethereal charm. As the sun's warm embrace gradually melts the remaining snow, a sense of renewal fills the air, inspiring hope and optimism for the year ahead.

Watch the video and witness the captivating beauty of the inaugural sunrise in Yantai.