Chrysanthemums help locals in Yantai village boost incomes
2022-11-28The harvest season is signaled by chrysanthemums in Yantai's Shangkuang village.
Blooming China roses turn Laizhou into wonderland
2022-05-25Millions of China roses are now in full bloom in Laizhou, a county-level city in Yantai, East China's Shandong province.
Blooming cherry blossoms bring spring to Yantai
2022-04-21Flower tours have become an increasingly popular option for people who want to take part in more leisurely activities this spring.
In pics: Appreciate blooming apricot flowers in Yantai village
2022-04-20Apricot flowers are in full bloom in Mouping district of Yantai, East China's Shandong province, attracting a large number of tourists.
Flocks of seagulls forage, nest in Yantai
2022-04-11Tens of thousands of seagulls can be seen foraging at the No 1 Bathing Beach in the coastal city of Yantai, East China's Shandong province every April.
Plum blossoms decorate Nanshan Mountain in Yantai
2022-03-25Plum trees at Nanshan Mountain park in Yantai, East China's Shandong province, are in full bloom as spring approaches.