Yantai pushes ecotourism
2016-08-23Yantai has recently been attracting tourists with its abundant opportunities for ecotourism.
Yantai tourism revenue reaches 36 billion yuan in the first half of 2016
2016-08-18Yantai recorded strong results in the tourism sector during the first half of 2016.
Auto part-maker confident of China's economy
2016-08-15China's economy is developing stably and the market is prosperous.
Culture&art enriches summer in Yantai
2016-08-112016 Yantai Culture and Art Festival kicked off on Aug 3 and will last for three months.
Beautiful sunset at the Port of Yantai
2016-08-11A beautiful sunset view at the Port of Yantai, Shandong province.
Wushu enthusiasts compete in Yantai
2016-08-10A competition took place at the 13th China Yantai Int'l Wushu Festival from Aug 8 to 10, in Yantai.