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Yantai wine expo sees letters of intent for 120 m
2016-10-21The 10th Yantai International Wine Exposition was held from Oct 15 to 18 at the Yantai International Expo Center, with letters of intent signed for orders totaling 120 million yuan ($17.76 million).
Yantai hosts fruit, vegetable and food exposition
2016-10-21The 17th International Fruit/Vegetable/Food Exposition was hosted from Oct 15 to 18, at the Yantai International Expo Center.
Yantai Bonded Port Area proves attractive for foreign firms
2016-10-17The Yantai Bonded Port Area is now home to 150 foreign-invested enterprises, with total investment hitting 8.41 billion yuan.
Events mark Shandong Cultural Year in Singapore
2016-09-23An exhibition of Confucian culture and an art event were held recently at Singapore's China Cultural Centre.
Wushu enthusiasts compete in Yantai
2016-08-10A competition took place at the 13th China Yantai Int'l Wushu Festival from Aug 8 to 10, in Yantai.
Free paper-cutting lessons for teens
2016-08-01A master of Chinese paper-cutter provides free paper-cutting lessons to teenagers during their school holidays.