Shigandang park's tech-driven educational program wins praise

(| Updated : 2024-08-14

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Taishan Shigandang Cultural Park's "Flying over Mount Tai" program, included in the Mount Tai Spirit to Inspire the World - A "Four in one" Innovative Educational Practice at the World Heritage Site of Mount Tai (China), which was recently awarded the Star of Discovery of the 2024 Global World Heritage Education Innovative Cases at the 46th session of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi, India, won praise from experts.

The program utilizes AI technology to create a digital exploration experience akin to walking in the clouds. Through virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and other advanced technologies, the program offers personalized learning paths and in-depth analysis for young people. This allows them to explore the beauty of Mount Tai, experience the challenges of climbing the mountain, appreciate the depth of its cultural significance, and foster a sense of national pride and love for country, ultimately inspiring a deep-seated sense of patriotism.

The Taishan Shigandang Cultural Park has been dedicated to fostering international exchange and raising awareness of cultural heritage among youth worldwide, according to a manager of education programs of the park.

Since its opening in 2023, the park has been selected as a premier study tour course and base for primary and secondary schools in Tai'an, and has also been recognized by the Shandong Provincial Department of Education.

The park has welcomed 15,000 students and boasts a professional team and a comprehensive curriculum focused on preserving and sharing the rich culture of Mount Tai.

The park will continue to host heritage education activities to deepen young people's understanding and appreciation of the spirit of Mount Tai and to promote its cultural heritage.