Qufu embraces traditional culture to fuel high-quality development

(chinadaily.com.cn)| Updated : 2024-07-03

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Located in East China's Shandong province, Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, is painting a vibrant picture of harmony and prosperity by seamlessly integrating its rich traditional culture into its high-quality development.

From lively neighborhood events to grand cultural performances, Qufu is committed to preserving and promoting its cultural heritage while fostering a strong sense of community spirit. During the Dragon Boat Festival, residents gather to create fragrant sachets filled with traditional herbs, embodying the essence of care and unity.

Throughout the year, a myriad of cultural activities brings people together, fostering a deep appreciation for the city's rich traditions. From honoring exemplary citizens to showcasing traditional poetry recitals, these events serve as a testament to the enduring power of culture in shaping society.

The city's commitment to cultural integration extends beyond festive occasions. By incorporating traditional values into community governance and promoting positive social norms, Qufu is fostering a harmonious and well-rounded society. Confucianism lecture halls and cultural squares stand as beacons of tradition, while neighborhoods echo with the sounds of shared cultural experiences.

As a cornerstone of social order and progress, Qufu's embrace of traditional culture is fueling a positive transformation. The city's cultural renaissance is not only preserving its heritage but also shaping its future, ensuring that Qufu continues to thrive as a beacon of cultural enlightenment and social harmony.